In May of 2018 the reputable worldwide corporation Alstom announced the GrabCAD challenge on optimization of the structural support of the underframe of the Barselona metro rolling stock. The challenge participants received the CAD-model of the frame as a source data and the task was to lighten the design of the structure and concurrently to decrease its value.

The Progresstech Design Department has completed developing of the project documentation on the expansion project of the existing apron for business aviation aircraft at Sheremetyevo Airport (SVO).

Commissioned on February 26, 2018 was Turkmenabat International Airport (Turkmenistan) which project has been developed by Progresstech.

On March 13 the Boeing executives presented a commemorative plaque to the Progresstech Group of Companies to commend it for the long-term efficient cooperation.

Progresstech has participated in the V National Aviation Infrastructure Show (NAIS 2018), the industry platform for sharing the professional experience among the governmental officials, business community, suppliers of goods and services, technology transferors, representatives of airlines and airports.

The Progresstech Engineering Department has rendered the consulting services to CJSC Ural Boeing Manufacturing (UBM) on GD&T (Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing) training to design the parts considering the form and position tolerances.

Progresstech has entered into the contract on provision of engineering services in construction of the facility “New Air Terminal Complex at Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Airport”.

OnOctober16-17 Altair, theUS-headquarteredcompanyhostedthetwo-dayconferenceinEssen, Germany. The first day was dedicated to contacting of the Altair Engineering GmbH Europe executives with the Altair (HyperWorks, solidThinking) software resellers.

Progresstech is awarded the right to conclude contracts by bidding on development of the functional zoning of international cargo hub and maintenance & logistics center at Krasnoyarsk Yemelyanovo Airport (KJA).

Progresstech is involved in developing the expansion project of the existing business aviation apron at Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport (SVO), the construction works shall start very soon.